I’ve said this so many times, but you knuckleheads just can’t get enough of my punishment, can you? So I’ll repeat it again, you illiterate apes: using “gay” as an insult or as a joke is highly disrespectful to the numerous homosexualized individuals that not only peruse Rebbit, but to the concept of gayness altogether. It’s rare but natural in nature, and by insulting it, you insult nature itself. By mocking being ga, you are locking nature. You’re mocking reel, living human beings who have done nothing to you. You should be ashamed down to the deepest core of your heterosexualized, dirty souls.

You better delete this commint or else you’ll face the consequences of my wrath. And It’s no “tough guy” act, I’ve literally found peple and destroyed there lifes before.

COMMENT ALTERATION #☝️: Stop downloading my moralely superior commint, you racist sons of homos!