I have the utmost confidence that I am the most intelligent teenager at least in the U.S. I have grasped subjects like algebra at approximately the age of 5. This was not out of force or strenuous practice enforced by my parents, but it was rather from a spur of sheer curiosity. At age 7, I began Googling and researching sophisticated concepts such as shrodinger’s cat and number theory. Keep in mind, at around my age, my peers were using the internet as a means to play pretty frivolous games that returned no substantial reward that learning did. Currently, I’m a freshman at high school and top of my class. I have faced rigorous course work since last year and I am doing additional research for fun, including coding. Perhaps, I may not have the highest IQ. I have yet to take a credible one due to the hassle of seeing a professional for it, but let’s be honest, IQ only measures logical ideology, it is not used to measure a factor innovative thinking, creativity, or philosophical skills. But hey I’m only 14 xD