depends. let’s compare pulp fiction with infinity war

in pulp fiction:

• ⁠jules and vincent say over 900 words in just the apartment scene.
• ⁠the cameo from christopher walken (giving the watch to his kid) is over 500 words.
• ⁠the royale with cheese joke in the diner is over 300 words

all that covers about 5 minutes of the movie

in infinity war, thanos says only 834 words across 3 hours. yet we know all about him, his life, his motivations, his worldview, his relationships, and what he thinks about most of the ensemble cast. all in about as many words as christopher walker spent describing how his ancestor shoved a watch up his ass

infinity war was a fucking masterclass on script economy. seriously, the amount of time each character has in that gigantic clusterfuck of an ensemble-finale plot is miniscule and every single word had to count. it’s worth a rewatch just to admire how economical the writers were to keep the movie from being 8+ hours while also staying coherent.