The trump supporters are here to save us.

They have convened in a circle and placed sacred artifacts known to mortals as “MAGA hats” in the center. They begin to chant, “USA! USA! USA!”

One supporter begins to furiously blow away the virus with nothing but the wind in his lungs.
They realize the ritual is progressing. They now place Obama’s forged birth certificate into the circle. The room begins to heat up. Faster and faster the temperature begins to rise. It’s not due to the ritual, it’s just global warming.

The Trumpers begin to sweat! Clearly Satan is pulling all his tricks out today. Finally the hats begin to tremble and a demon emerges from the circle! The ritual has successfully summoned the creator of the virus himself. Bill Gates. He stands there, frail and menacing, holding nothing but an iPhone with 5G service and a syringe full of COVID vaccine.

Now is their time! This is the moment they’ve been waiting for! The Trumpers now simultaneously all draw their guns! They scream, “Don’t Tread on Me!!!”, and begin to perforate the demon with thousands of holes as they litter his body with muh .45!

In a pool of blood he collapses. They have finally done it. They have won. They have successfully used magic and beat COVID-19. They return home and expect to be thanked as heroes for their service. However, instead of being touted as the saviors, they are blasphemed! In spite of their sacrifice, the sheep elect a DEMOCRAT. He who must not be named…. SLEEPY JOE.

How will our heroes cope? What will happen to the American populace? Is this The Deep State? Find out next time on Dragon Ball: Z