William walked calmly into the KFC. He pleasantly strolled to the back, past the stained counter and poorly-kept kitchen. He nodded slightly at the manager of the establishment, who was standing at his door, smoking a cigarette.

He opened the storage room and smiled. There sat his Thursday evening fun. He picked up the young woman.

She stood up fragile, like a stick embedded in the ground. Her skin was bare for William to see. A pair of black tape strips covered each of her breasts, forming an “x” on top of each nipple.

He carefully picked up the wooden ruler. William had gotten used to these encounters. At first, he was wary of engaging in this type of behavior, especially with an attendant of his church.

But it was no matter. A tradition grew in the back of this fine fast food restaurant. William never knew why the woman took part in this with him. He did not even know her name.

What William did know, however, was that she made for a great morning and tiring night. So he hit her, leaving a pink mark on her pale ass. William’s smile stretched wider, while the woman’s jaw kept clenched.

Hours later, William walked out of the restaurant. Each step was joyful, his feet rising high in the air. He got into his turquoise sedan and drove home, the thought of next Thursday already lingering in his head.