hippity hoppity i took all your property… its for the greater good.

we cant trust fat cat like you to make all business decision

everyone will live in factory made cheap government issued homes… no one will be allowed mansion because mansion is conspicuous consumption. mansion turned into barns for chicken or turkeys.

we need small armed home so no one will kill your leaders. same with other government officials. it like ur home but armed

all gold will be taken to electronics department and other productive places. why get a gold cup when u can get a plastic, metal, or glass one

all art will be banned… all work of art will be scrapped and made useful to glory greatest country. You dont need art to survive.

the artifacts of old will be taken down and digital copies be put in massive computer… then scrapped to make them useful. Archaeology is for fat cats who cant give their artifacts for the greater good.

all instruments banned, scrapped to make useful. Instruments are to be used where necessary. owned by government appointed business leaders when timekeeping is needed.

all will sleep on floor. if cold then sleep on government issued futon.
matresses scrapped and made useful. You dont need mattresses…

no patents… all patents belong to government now. Only fat cats require money to use an idea.

all copyrights owned by glory greatest country… too be used as greater good desires.

greater good requires u 2 become miner and greater good requires me to help lead u…

for the greater good! Comrade!