I can certainly sympathize with the ideal of a virtual woman although
personally I apply this ideal to cartoon women. As creative people we all live in our heads to an extent. Cartooning and art is about shaping the world to fit an ideal and much of our sadness comes from realizing how far such an ideal can come from the ugly banality of reality.

For me the ideal woman is a cartoon woman, who has an impossible body a bright smile and is one who should only care for me and think only of my happiness.

When a man is away from his woman she should spend all her time missing him and singing about how she will not feel alive till his return. In reality women spend their time playing banal flash games and tending virtual farms while reading banal celebrity blogs.

Have you ever talked to a woman online and she says “Im so bored lol!” how sickening is the image of a woman wasting her life on banal timewasters.

A cartoon princess finds wonder in everything she sees and yearns for an ideal perfect life only I can provide. To the snide ignorant detractors does your girlfriend ever sing joyous songs about the sun and have the animals follow her and smile? Or do you argue about the cable bill and whether you should buy another cheap soulless chair from walmart.

The relationships I have with my wives are more real and tender than anything you could imagine. The ephemeral moments and fleeting recreations of your first kisses that keep you in your humdrum relationships are moments I experience with tenfold intensity and a hundredfold meaning. All that truly matters is what our brain believes, not objective reality and I know the love I experience is so true that god created the universe so that I could experience it.

I have been able to merge hentai and Disney together to create the perfect lucid dreamworld of romance and eroticism. In my world I am a beloved king who is the shining star to all my women. Think of that while you eat cold chinese takeout and argue about whether you can afford to buy a ski pass.