I’m only posting this here because I trust this community cann accept constructive criticism, and that it wants to be grow progressively. This is more philosophical than academic so I won’t have much to cite, however most of what I will be talking about can be supported [here.](http://jaapl.org/content/42/4/404)

First off, it is important to distinguish between pedophilia as an erotic attraction, which is an involuntary biological urge, and behavior that is currently classified as Pedophilic Disorder. Predatory behavior is absolutely deplorable and should be dealt with accordingly, that is not the issue here. It should be noted that diagnostically no distinction is made between behavior that is not predatory and that which harms someone. While distinction is made in treatment, there is a push to clarify clinical definitions around these feelings and behaviors. Desires can be managed. Most individuals will have some celebrity or public figure to whom they feel sexual attraction to without pursuing any relationship with them, when someone does pursue and individual sexually it is the behaviour that is problematic and which we address.

Stigmatizing or persecuting entire categories of people defined by conditions beyond their control for the actions of some of that group is not just. Furthermore defining predatory behaviour by associating it with the psychological diagnosis of the desire absent any action risks overlooking predators who engage in the same behavior but motivated by some other desire. People can profit from the mechanisms used to prey on children or produce content for personal benefit of some sort. We cannot hope to end problematic behavior without addressing all the sources that perpetuate it.

A call to violence against an entire category of people for the actions of a few will solve nothing. Violence is rarely the solution to a problem and it is unique when it is the best of all options. Any sexual engagement with children is unacceptable. That behavior no matter how slight should be condemned. How will violence solve each unique case? If it won’t actually solve the problem, violence will only create more harm. Harming an innocent person for any reason including any association is just as detrimental to society as engaging in sexual conduct with anyone who cannot or will not consent. I believe the goal is to reduce harm to its minimum for everyone.

To that end, we should examine our own propensity to use violence when it arises. Will it solve this problem? How will it fix things? Will violence create more problems? Will it work every time? If I apply violence now, will I uniformly apply it to anyone exhibiting this type of behavior and not because of an association? The goal is to reduce harm not generate more. This will require being tolerant of mindsets that don’t engage in behavior. It may seem paradoxical that to be ultimately tolerant we must be intolerant of intolerance, but intolerance is a keystone of both types of harm I have been discussing. It is obvious how intolerance is key to applying violence to situations which the recipient has not engaged in the qualifying behavior. But it is also an intolerance of another person’s right to have equal power in a sexual incounter that is key to behavior deserving intervention. It would seem that intolerance may be key to all behavior that warrants intervention. A keen application of intolerance toward intolerance, both in ourselves and in others, is the only way to truly be tolerant. Consider, one may tolerate everything one is ever exposed to yet they will never be exposed to all there is to be tolerant of, however intolerance intolerance of something one has not encountered only makes one more tolerant and an intolerance of ones personal intolerance internally is the only way to be rid of it.

It is not a choice to be a pedophile but it a choice to engage in intolerant behavior. So, if you are still willing to engage in violence to deal with the one form of intolerant behavior will you do the same when you encounter other forms of equally harmful intolerance? Are you going to stand up to nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists and their ilk with the same fervor? All those people are defined by their choices and behavior, nobody is born racist. Their ideologies destroy more lives every day than people with Pedophilic Disorder do and it is a choice to hate people and demand rights without tolerating those rights being expressed by all.

Modern fascists love to promote this “pedo” slur and the whole argument around it for a number of reasons, not least of which is the cover it provides for their own unacceptable behavior and thinking. It is also a convenient slur to propagate as the broad application means the can sling it around at targeted groups and it promotes the behaviour of broad application of judgment in others they hope to influence. Additionally right wing trolls love to infiltrate internet communities and stir discord and garner support for their hateful behaviour by initiating arguments trying to defend pedophilia and associate. It with another trait of the community. This is why acceptance is not the ultimate key to tolerance but the resolute stance to not accept intolerance.

If you want to stand up to harmful behavior, will you stand up to fascists and their stupid propoganda?