### [Pinkii Proxii](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgUnp7fn__-iXgBK_MEm4Q): That…. was some of the most incredible sentence mixing I’ve ever seen. Content wasn’t for me, but just the simple matter of how much painstaking effort was put into this is mind-boggling. You deserve an award.

[**BatHunterofDevon**](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHP8tWvE20dbHgwAopM0JfA) **Thanks. But when you say ‘content’ – what are you referring to; the source** ***(Danganronpa)?*** **Or what happened in the video?10ANTWORTEN****📷**

### [Pinkii Proxii](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgUnp7fn__-iXgBK_MEm4Q)

[**@BatHunterofDevon** ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHP8tWvE20dbHgwAopM0JfA) **I was referring to what happened in the video. I live by Danganronpa – it’s just that it was more shocking than entertaining to hear Makoto go on his fetish-murder-rape soliloquy. Probably the couple of asides/digressions was what made it, though- taking separate clips for the same words, and the little bits of dialogue that made it so he was really telling this to someone, rather than keeping the plot completely cut-and-dry- actually unmatched with my experience. Again, that amount of clarity and honest thought that was made in it is what makes this YTP completely unforgettable. I actually can’t compare this quality of sentence mixing to another (though it’s been a long time since my active YTP consuming). It’s simply on a personal level that I don’t find sexual content funny. Unless you were more trying to achieve shock than laughs – in which you more than aced it here.** **i say like i have credibility ¯\_(ツ)_/¯**

