That’s what they say about every genius in their time. Michael jackson was told to go away, his voice was too screechy. Ghandi was told to go away, he was too old. Taylor swift was told to go away, she was just a boring kid singing country songs with a guitar. Rosa parks was told to go away, she was sitting in the wrong seat. The beatles were told to go away, yoko sucked at singing and was just a seventh wheel.
But you know what they did? They didn’t go away, no, they persevered and kept working hard even though there was a minority of people telling them they were annoying or insensitive. It turned out that all the negative nancies were just jealous, and by doing their own thing, they were able to make a fuckton of money and become famous.
That’s what Jake Paul is facing now, a few negative nancies who think he’s “obnoxious” or “bullied some japanese guy into suicide”. But they’re all liars, my boy Jake is a marketing genius who has been on youtube since he was nine years old when it was first starting up. He worked *hard* and was able to figure out exactly what kind of content people want to see, and what youtube will promote. Every time you get mad at him or call him cringe, that’s intentional, he knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s played all of you like a fiddle. He’s been able to wade through the bullshit, dab on the haters, and build one of the most successful youtube channels out there and make a fuckton of money while he’s at it.
50 years from now when he’s some old guy who goes on popular talk shows like betty white (RIP) you’ll look back and say “hey, I bullied that guy when he was a kid but I secretly thought he was really cool”. And you’ll realize he’s a national treasure, like Buzz Aldrin or Stevie Ray Vaughn.