Howy fucking shit. I want to bang Baby Yoda so goddamn bad. I can’t stand it anymowe. Evewy time I go on Disney+ I get a massive ewection. I’ve seen witewawwy evewy wuwe 34 post thewe is of him onwine. My dweams awe nothing but constant fucking sex with Baby Yoda. I’m sick of waking up evewy mowning with six nuts in my boxews and knowing that those awe nuts that shouwd’ve been busted inside of Baby Yoda’s tight adowabwe weddit wewevant pussy. I want him to have my mutant human/dagobian babies.

Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with my Jango Fett action figuwe. I’d dwessed it in my sistew’s skiwt and went to fucking town. She hasn’t said a wowd to me in 10 houws and I’m wowwied she’s gonna take away my Appwe TV. I might not evew get to see The Mandawowian again.