Walmart has 7 letters. The US has 2 letters 7 times 2 is 14. Now we do 14 time the letters in Walmart which equals 98, times that by 2 which is how many letters are in the US and you get 196. The Walton family created Walmart so take the amount of the most prominent members of the family equals 3 people. and they are the 2nd most riches family. 3 times 2 equals six and six times 196 is 1176. The board for Walmart shrunk from 15 to 12 people, times that and you have 180, times that by the 7 family members and you got 1260. Add those 2 and you have 2436 okay, now we put that to the side. The family is worth 136.1 dollars so if we round that we get 136. Now if we minus that all of that, we get 2300. there is a really bad reviewed Walmart on a street with the zip code 181 if you minus that from the total you get 2119, split that and we have 21 and 19. Those equal U and S. Therefore, the US owns Walmart.